

“Soul Surfers” created by Phil Waller and Dan Moore, marks a cinematic convergence of body and mind. It contains dynamic action footage, some of the most stunning ever to appear on TV, but it is also a testament to the human spirit. Armed with both qualities – physical prowess and a gentle heart – exploring these adventurous athletes as they find the key to harmony in the Hawaiian islands. As the show depicts, the behind the scene’s look, can be a simple barbecue on a Hawaiian beach, graced by laughter, generosity and a visitor’s respect. You see a brand of paradise that has always existed but is known only to those with a sense of aloha. In the end, the viewer may wish he knew more about the carefully selected panel of Soul Surfers. In due time, perhaps. Their lives are built around the quiet pursuit of excellence, and as such, they share with us a visual experience. It becomes evident that they represent maturity, belief and self-esteem, and that they have long been accepted by the Hawaiian community. The series takes an intimate look in the lives of the men and women who pursue the sport of surfing… not just an athletic endeavor, but as an expression of their body, mind and soul. The series showcases the lives of legendary and extraordinary people who love to surf. Join us!