A little Optimist vs the Cape of Storms. Greg Bertish, a 2- time open heart surgery survivor tells his story of courage and fight for survival against a rare tropical bacteria that attacks his heart 3 times over a course of 6 years. The story unfolds as he sets out to conquer a childhood dream of sailing an Optimist (a tiny 8 foot children’s sailing dinghy) around the Cape of Storms. His 8 day adventure takes him across the shark infested waters of false bay, around Cape Point and up the West coast of South Africa to reach Langebaan lagoon 200kms away. This journey symbolizing the 200 days he spent in hospital fighting the bacteria, and the R200 000 he aims to raise for the new ICU at Red Cross Children’s War Memorial Hospital. Along the way he meets a young boy called Adam. This is the baby boy that lay next to him on the operating table 14 years ago, the baby that changed his life and set this whole project in motion.