Harley Made in Cuba Poster Web

Harley Made in Cuba / Harley a la Cubana

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Vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycles from the 30s and 40s are still rumbling through the streets of Cuba – restored to their full glory and painstakingly maintained using a hodgepodge of salvaged parts and handmade makeshift solutions. Mandy lives on the outskirts of Havana and dreams of becoming the premiere Harley mechanic on the island. He learned from José Sobrino, his step-father, who is a renown as the best Harley mechanic in all of Cuba. Mandy thinks he’s ready to take over the workshop but Sobrino is not convinced. The young mechanic adores his stepfather but given the refusal, he becomes furious and thinks of making his own destiny far from the house and the workshop. Official Selections 2022: TMFF Motorcycle Film Festival, Lisbon Motorcycle Film Fest, MotoTematica Rome Motorcycle Film Festival.