

‘Another Way’ asks whether a citizens’ experiment developing new partnership models between consumers and farmers has the power to change society. Starting with the solidarity purchase group of which she is a member, the director joins a dynamic network that takes her on a journey from Brussels to Zagreb to meet a rapidly-growing movement, CSA (Community-supported Agriculture). As eaters and producers re-establish a direct link, they set up an alternative, short channel, mode of consumption that is mindful of all living things. Through food, which concerns everyone, the CSA experiment puts the human factor back at the center of exchanges. Can we become agents of change? Official Selections 2016: Festival du film Vert, Festival Imagésanté, FReDD Festival, Crossroads Festival, Ecozine Film Festival, Festival Bel Movie Days, Fest des Circuits Courts. Official Selections 2015: Matsalu Nature Film Festival, Festival International de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela, CinemAmbiente Environmental Film Festival, Festival du Film Nature et Environnement, Festival Alimenterre, BIFED Festival, Festival des Alternatives Alimentaires ATTAC, PLANETA.doc.